Leadtime® | Blog | Remote Work: With Leadtime under control
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Remote Work: Opportunities, Challenges, and How Leadtime® ERP Ties It All Together

Remote work offers opportunities and challenges. With Leadtime® ERP, everything stays transparent: time tracking, task management, and communication are seamlessly integrated. This helps managers stay in control, and teams work flexibly and efficiently – no matter where they are.
Leadtime® | Blog | Author | Lukas Ebner
Lukas Ebner10/14/2024
Leadtime® | Blog | Remote mit Leadtime

Remote work – the dream of many employees and maybe the nightmare of some managers. The last few years have shown that you can be productive working from home. No long commutes, fewer distractions from office chatter, and maybe even a little more flexibility. For digital service providers, this all sounds too good to be true, right? But like everything, remote work comes with its challenges. For those still skeptical, we’ve got good news: with the right infrastructure – like Leadtime® ERP – remote work becomes a breeze. Here are the opportunities, challenges, and why Leadtime® will be your best friend in the remote game.

The Perks of Remote Work

Leadtime® | Blog | Remote Work Grafik 1

Goodbye, Daily Commute Madness

No more long traffic jams, crowded trains, or annoying weather surprises. Instead: a short walk from bed to desk – done! More time, more calm, more energy.

Finally, Peace and Quiet

Who doesn’t know it? In the office, the phone rings constantly, colleagues chat, and before you know it, two hours have passed with nothing done. At home? No unwanted interruptions. You can fully focus on work – or coffee, depending on the day.

Bye-bye, Rent Costs

For companies embracing remote work, there’s a bonus: less or no office space needed! That means saving money and no more endless searches for the perfect office coffee machine.

Work from Anywhere

Remote work means flexibility – not just for employees. Companies can hire talents from all over the world. The bigger the world, the bigger the talent pool. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t love working on a project from a beach café in Bali?

Managers and Their Concerns

But let’s talk about managers. Many are still not completely sold on the idea of letting the team “run free.” Why?

“How do I keep track?”

The thought of not being able to see who’s working on what can be nerve-wracking. Sometimes it feels like losing total control. What’s happening right now? Is anyone even working?

“What about team spirit?”

No shared coffee breaks, no spontaneous brainstorming sessions – everything happens over a screen. The concern is that team spirit will suffer and everyone will just work in their own bubble.

Leadtime® ERP – The All-in-One Solution for Remote Work

Here comes Leadtime® ERP, making remote work as simple and transparent as grabbing a snack from the fridge. With Leadtime®, managers can keep everything in check without becoming “Big Brother,” and teams stay connected from afar.

Full Transparency with Time Tracking

Leadtime® | Blog | Time Booking Statistic

With Leadtime® ERP, everyone knows where they stand. Time tracking shows exactly who is working on which project and how much time has been spent. Managers don’t have to be in the dark anymore – they’ve got the full picture, all without constant check-ins.

Pipeline and Stacks – Task Management Made Simple:

Everyone in the team knows what to do. With Pipeline and Stacks, tasks are easily assigned and prioritized. No constanuestions, no “What should I do now?” moments. Everyone has a clear plan – meetings can be kept to a minimum (and who doesn’t love that?).

No More “Where Was That Again?” – All Info Centrally Available:

In Leadtime® ERP, all projects and tasks are well documented. No scattered notes, no lost emails – everything is saved in the ticketing system and searchable at any time. So if someone asks, “Where can I find that?” the answer is simple: “In Leadtime®!”

Your Office – Always With You:

Whether you’re at a café, a park, or your kitchen table – Leadtime® ERP is your mobile office. You’ve got everything on hand: projects, tasks, time tracking, and communication. This keeps productivity high, no matter where you are.

Communication That Works:

Sure, meetings are important, but they don’t have to be long and tiring. With Leadtime®, communication stays lean and efficient. With clear reporting functions and transparent task assignments, everyone in the team knows what’s going on without endless discussions.


Remote work doesn’t have to be chaotic or unproductive. With the right infrastructure like Leadtime® ERP, managers stay in control and teams remain focused and connected. Whether from home or the beach – Leadtime® keeps remote work smooth and everything running efficiently.

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