A time tracking solution that your staff will use.
The most valuable resource in digital agencies is time. Every employee consumes time - working on projects, in meetings or at the coffee machine. It is crucial for the organization that as much of the working time as possible is used productively. With LeadTime, you finally establish seamless, task-based time tracking that provides you as an entrepreneur with the transparency you need.

The most valuable resource in service companies is time.
Every employee consumes time - working on projects, in meetings or at the coffee machine. For the organization, it is crucial that as high a proportion as possible of their employees' working time ends up on an invoice at some point.
Consistent time recording pays off
The only problem is that in reality, very few agencies enforce truly consistent time tracking. Especially when employees regularly have to jump between projects during the day, time recording often falls by the wayside in the hectic pace of everyday life. The client is then often simply billed for subsequent estimates.
The easiest way to immediately increase your revenue
Management is seldom aware of the true extent of lost time and thus lost revenue. A simple rough calculation would suffice: For a company with 10 employees, an hourly rate of 120 € and an average share of recorded time of 40%, time recording that is only 10% more consistent would mean additional sales of almost 100 TSD Euro per year.

Time recording is only accepted if it is seamlessly integrated into the workflows.
Employees are continuously reminded to record their times by the Leadtime Time Tracker. The times are posted to tickets. This gives you the most accurate insight into which tasks, projects and other activities your employees are busy with. In addition, the time bookings are used for later invoicing.

Set daily time booking targets.
You can set daily targets for billable time for your employees to ensure the highest possible percentage of productive working time for your team. The application distinguishes between general attendance time, working time and billable time:
- Attendance time is the employee's contractually agreed time, i.e. the time between check-in and check-out.
- Working time is time booked on tickets. It describes what the employee did while present at work.
- Billable time is again a subset of working time. It describes the portion of time that the employee actually worked on customer projects.
Join the Leadtime revolution. Sign up for our waitlist.
Leadtime will launch early 2025. Members of our waiting list get earlier access and can actively participate in the development.

Understand your team's time bookings at a glance
You can make attendances, time bookings and billable time visible for your entire staff in the team calendar. By color-coding the days, forgotten time bookings and missed daily targets become immediately visible. This gives employees a motivating, crystal-clear benchmark for their performance in the daily work routine. By the way, the team calendar also serves as a mood tracker for your team: Find out which employee is a bit unhappy at the moment and quickly take care of the issue.

Manage vacations and overtime.
The contractually agreed vacation days are stored in the employees' master data. Employees can request vacation via the team calendar. In addition, too much or too little time worked is tracked in an overtime account. You can release vacations and overtime on sight. As a help for decision-making, the application forecasts the capacity situation of the organization for the desired vacation period.
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